Kumuluz Subscription

The Kumuluz Subscription API is a complete solution for subscription management. It supports business models for selling and provisioning subscriptions services that are invoiced and paid in specific intervals.

How the API works

The Kumuluz Subscription API offers fulfillment processes for orders that contain subscription services. Subscription services are services that are invoiced and paid in specific intervals (e.g. monthly subscriptions for the mobile phone, internet, TV, electricity, natural gas, credit digital wallets, etc.). To enable these subscription services ("what is ordered") the Kumuluz Subscription API decomposes ordered services to customer facing services ("what is to be configured").

These are all services that customers actually use when an order is fulfilled (for example, if a customer orders a service called Gold TV package, they get many customer facing services in the form of TV programs: all national free TV programs and all sports programs, but not any of the HBO programs, which are reserved for the Platinum TV package).

Further on, each customer facing service is decomposed into resource facing services ("how is it to be configured"). The latter include everything that we need to provide in order for the customer to be actually able to use ordered services (e.g. each of the programs in the ordered TV package requires an activation of a specific PAL/NTSC and/or HDTV channel).

Finally, each resource facing service is broken down into resources that need to be activated for the order to be fulfilled ("what is to be used to configure"). Resources are all physical and logical necessities needed for provisioning the required service (e.g. new active subscriptions for all the channels as logical resources and a digital TV decoder card with all the required channels enabled for decoding as a physical resource). By utilizing the Kumuluz Invoice API, the Kumuluz Subscription API can also provide invoicing features for plan- and consumption-based subscriptions. Both prepaid and postpaid models are supported.

Documentation summary

Offer a wide variety of services you can provision

Kumuluz Subscription API allows you to specify services that are sold and decompose them all the way to physical and logical resources needed for provisioning.

Offer customers the flexibility they want

Allow customers to intervene in the ordered services decomposition process to include additional features (upsale) or eliminate non-relevant features to cut costs (customers do not pay for the things they do not need).

Support consumption-based subscription plans as well

Kumuluz Subscription API offers support not only for regular plans but also for plans that have a variable part accompanying the fixed one – consumption (e.g. electricity or natural gas).

Support different payment models

By utilizing the Kumuluz Invoice API, the Kumuluz Subscription API can provide prepaid or postpaid invoicing.

List of endpoints

/servicesManagement of services (that are to be sold as subscriptions) and their structure
/services/{id}/decomposeDecomposition of services into customer facing services
/customer_facing_services/{id}/decomposeDecomposition of customer facing services into resource facing services
/resource_facing_services/{id}/decomposeDecomposition of resource facing services into resources
/resourcesManagement of resources, including reservation and activation of required resources for provisioning
/subscriptionsActivation and management of subscriptions including the handling of change requests
/subscriptions/{id}/consumptionPosting and editing data about consumption in a subscription if applicable (applicable for e.g. electricity but not for a TV programs package)
/subscriptions/{id}/invoiceInvoicing of a specific subscription according to the plan and consumption if relevant

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Use cases

Your organization is changing or extending its sales model from fixed-priced plans to subscription based. Kumuluz Subscription API allows you to implement the delivery, charging and other processes related to subscription-based products and services. Kumuluz Subscription API seamlessly integrates with other Kumuluz APIs, for example with the Kumuluz Customers API, to link subscriptions to customers, Kumuluz Payment API to execute payments, and Kumuluz Product Catalog API and Kumuluz Cart API to identify products and create orders.

Your current systems are not flexible enough to more precisely configure subscription products and services, and consequently the actions required for their delivery and provisioning. With Kumuluz Subscription API, you get full flexibility for decomposing products and services to the level of resources required for provisioning.

This means that you are able to provide subscriptions by defining the backend services and how they are triggered when a subscription is activated/deactivated. This gives your organization full control and overview of composition/decomposition, as well as an overview of subscribed services, related customers, payments, invoices etc.

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